Who we are is who we always were…
Established in 1975
As an AKC affiliated club, our primary focus is on purebreds. However, we
don’t limit ourselves to purebreds only. We also provide training and
socialization assistance for all dogs, purebred and mixed, emphasizing the
importance of responsible care, training, and companionship.
The club is dedicated to three major goals...
Further the advancement of all dogs.
Do all in our power to protect and advance the interests of dogs and
to encourage sportsmanlike competition at dog shows and at other
performance events.
Conduct sanctioned matches, dog shows, and performance events
under the rules and regulations of the American Kennel Club.
The Sporting Side of Life
Dog shows are the sporting side of our passion. There are essentially two sides of the dog sport...
This is where each dog is compared to their breed’s written standard, and the one coming closest to that ideal wins their respective
class. This event is restricted to purebreds, and is a relatively formal affair.
These events are open to all dogs, regardless of their pedigree, and evaluate both the dog’s ability to perform specific routines, as well
as the handler’s ability to train. It’s significantly less formal, but just as intense as conformation. These events may come in one or
more of the following forms:
Competitive Obedience
Rally Obedience
Lure Coursing
Fast CAT
Club Officers
President – Kim Schaffter
1st Vice President – Nancy Amburgey
2nd Vice President – David Arthur
Treasurer – Austin Schaffter
Secretary – Julie Wallace
Board Member - Tom McCarthy
Board Member - Robbin Niedenthal
Board Member - Jay Roden
© Warren County Kennel Club of Ohio, Inc., Lebanon Ohio, All Rights Reserved!
“Before you get a dog, you can't quite imagine what living with one might be like; afterward, you can't imagine
living any other way.”
- Caroline Knapp, Author and Columnist