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APHIS Releases 2024

Impact Report,

Enforcement Activity

Summary Data

Friday, January 17, 2025 Earlier this week, the United States Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA APHIS) published its 2024 Impact Report, which provides an overview of the agency’s activities and successes. APHIS oversees over 17,500 breeders, dealers, and exhibitors; research facilities, transporters, and dog importers who are subject to the federal Animal Welfare Act (AWA). For more information…

Federal Update: CDC

to Revisit Dog

Importation Rules in


Wednesday, December 18, 2024 The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has provided public notice that it will propose revisions and certifications to the requirements for the importation of dogs that it finalized earlier in 2024. The dog import rule that was implemented last August was designed to limit the public health risk of dogs being imported into the U.S. with DMRVV (canine rabies). The American Kennel Club (AKC) strongly supports the intent of protecting pet and public health, but remains concerned that the 2024 rule is overly broad and fails to recognize the range of factors that contribute to or mitigate actual risk. AKC continues to work with diverse groups of stakeholders and lawmakers to express these concerns. For more information…

Welcome to our Newest Member

WCKC would like to welcome our newest member, Enrique “Rick” Pantoja. Living in the local area, he comes to us from our association with the German Shepherd Dog Club of Greater Cincinnati. Rick is new to this crazy dog world and doesn’t even have a dog yet. However, that doesn’t curb his enthusiasm for the sport, his favorite breed (German Shepherds), and dogs in general. By joining our club and getting involved in all the activities crazy dog people do, he hopes to hone his skills and learn how to interact with this wonderful species we have all come to adore so he can provide a better home and life for the puppy he hopes will one day enter his life. We shall do our best to live up to those expectations, fine Sir, and thank you for being an example to the rest of the world that just because you don’t yet have a dog, doesn’t mean you can’t love them and get involved in our sport. Again, welcome to WCKC.

Drum Roll Please…

On April 30th, the AKC announced it’s National Owner-Handled Series (NOHS) Regional Events calendar. This is a very prestigious honor for those clubs hosting these shows in preparation for the series finals in Orlando, FL next year. Of course, to make the news here, there had to be something special in that announcement, and sure enough there was. In March of 2025, Warren County Kennel Club will host one of these NOHS Regional events in conjunction with our 50th anniversary. We couldn’t be more pleased and proud. So, if you’re an owner-handler, we hope you will strongly consider making a visit to Wilmington, OH, come the end of March to compete in this event. It will be preceded by specialties on the day before, and followed on the weekend by our regular conformation shows. Just the same as with the specialties, the NOHS Show and WCKC’s regular conformation shows are two separate entities and you must enter each one separately. There is no single entry that covers all the shows. There’s plenty of news abut this event coming, however, this is all I can say for now…we hope to see you there. And if you’re curious as to what the NOHS is all about, [Click Here] for more information.

2025 Election

On Wednesday, December 18, 2024, we voted in the next year’s slate of officers. We met at Catch- A-Fire Pizza in Lebanon, OH, for our regular meeting, which will include the election. So, please welcome our next year’s management team: President – Kim Schaffter 1st Vice President – Nancy Amburgey 2nd Vice President – David Arthur Treasurer – Austin Schaffter Secretary – Julie Wallace Board Member - Tom McCarthy Board Member - Robin Niedenthal Board Member - Jay Roden

Our 2025 Conformation Shows Are Genning Up

On March 29th through the 30th, Warren County Kennel Club will hold our 50th anniversary conformation shows at the Roberts Centre in Wilmington, Ohio. We will run eight conformation rings, along with Farm Dog and Fetch events as well. Moreover, on Friday, we will host one of the eight National Owner Handler Series (NOHS) Regional events that lead up to the NOHS Finals in Orlando Florida. We also increased the number of specialties for the Friday before the shows, to include Boxers, Great Danes, Shetland Sheepdogs, Siberian Huskies, and Weimaraners. Of course, holding such events takes a lot of work and we’re appreciative of all our volunteers to make everything happen.

Calling All Dog Lovers

The past few years have been tough on WCKC and the dog sport in general. While performance events such as Agility, Fast CAT, and Rally Obedience are holding their own or growing, Conformation numbers are dropping considerably. This includes the interest in joining dog clubs, leading some clubs to simply close their doors. To attempt to reverse the trend, WCKC is always looking for new members to hopefully bring new life into our club. And we’re not just talking Conformation only. We’re open to all venues and are licensed by AKC for Conformation, Obedience, Rally-Obedience, and Fast CAT. So, if you’re into any of those venues…or even if you just like dogs and want to come hang out with a bunch of crazy dog people, come join us and see what we’re all about. The meeting time and location for our next meeting is posted on the Events page and we sure would like to see you there.
© Warren County Kennel Club of Ohio, Inc., Lebanon Ohio, All Rights Reserved!
“I see dog stories as an antidote to the dire news that nothing is ever going to get better.” - W. Bruce Cameron, American Author
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